Plant and tool hire for construction, farming and property maintenance

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Dust Extractors

Our elite range of duct extractors are made with high grade materials providing best in class lightweight dust and fume extraction with outstanding air flow and pressure.

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Dust Extractors

Tamping Bars

Our tamping bars allow you to precisely tamp and level concrete slabs, reducing the risk of cracking.

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Tamping Bars

Pole Float

Our pole floats produce high quality results, gliding across the concrete to establish a smooth surface all the while reducing the risk of excess residue.

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Pole Float

Petrol Mixer

We have petrol cement mixers available in several sizes making them suitable for most endeavours, all the way from residential to commercial use.

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Petrol Mixer

Diesel Mixer

We have diesel cement mixers available in several sizes making them suitable for most endeavours, all the way from residential to commercial use.

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Diesel Mixer

Concrete Pokers

Our petrol powered vibrating pokers come with all necessary accessories in various different sizes to make sure we provide you with everything you need to lower and raise the head of freshly poured concrete.

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Concrete Pokers

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